
Posts about blogging, running a blog, various blog post writing styles and methods for running a blog.

  • Being flexible with your own schedule

    For my regular readers out there, you’ll notice I’ve been blogging consistently each Monday afternoon for several months… until last week. I missed my deadline for posting and was quite displeased with myself for doing so. That being said, missing my streak gave me time to consider the concept of the streak, how I felt…

  • Saying “You’re Welcome”

    I pride myself on being someone who is keenly aware of the underlying meaning of words and the ways in which we say them. Being this way is both a gift and a curse, yet it forces me to be very conscious of the words I’m using to express myself. This is all well and…

  • Batman doesn’t get paid

    Bruce Wayne, however, is a multi-billionaire. While not much emphasised as a contrast within the Batman storyline (rather choosing to emphasise Batman and Bruce Wayne as one in the same), I feel this contrast between Batman and Bruce Wayne has a hidden message I’d like to explore further.

  • Words which change meaning and how they work

    Looking back, I have fond memories of the “early days of the internet” (well, as we see them now, anyways) where I’d get home from school, hop onto the computer and chat using IRC (Internet Relay Chat), mostly with others I’d seen at school not an hour or two earlier that day. While at the…

  • Knowing Your Limits And Gaming Yourself

    Since starting this blog several years ago, I’ve tried several techniques to keep up a regular blogging routine. From blogging daily for a week or two, to attempting to blog every day for an entire year, I’ve tried them all. While this blog isn’t a business for me, it’s a great way to share knowledge,…

  • Create customer loyalty through storytelling

    Thoughts on storytelling and using your story to foster customer loyalty.