Themes, Plugins, coding and design concepts as well as general discussion about developments within the popular WordPress content management system community.
My WordPress Origin Story
Every WordPress user has a story to share. Here’s my WordPress origin story.
Smart defaults and your WordPress plugin settings
WordPress plugins should “just work”. Here’s how to make that happen. Use smart defaults.
Removing limitations to achieve success
All too often we are faced with roadblocks, hurdles and limitations within everything we do. Whether it’s in our personal, work or digital lives, there are often items which stand in the way of us achieving our goals. Success, however, comes flooding through when we remove or refactor these limiting beliefs. Today, I’d like to…
Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development
in WordPressA presentation illustrating the basics of developing plugins for WordPress.
Learnings While Scaling WooCommerce
WooCommerce has, at the time of writing, passed over 6 million downloads (and several million active installations) on WordPress.org. What many aren’t aware of is, WooCommerce reached the 5 million download mark with only 3 engineers officially working full time on the project (while working on several other projects as well). Throughout this process, we…