Graphic and web design, interesting visual innovations, visual inspiration and conceptual theories from the weird and wonderful world of design.
What a blog redesign means to me
Today’s question, folks, is; “What does a blog redesign mean to you?”. Lets dive right in, shall we? For me, a blog redesign means quite a lot. It means the opportunity to hone my skills, experiment with new ideas and techniques and put a fresh coat of paint and a new engine behind my blog.…
Obox launches the Obox Theme Store
Well, guys, launch day is here. The Obox Theme Store is online! After weeks of watching Dave, Marc and Nat at Obox working late nights and early mornings, weekends, public holidays and all other kinds of days imaginable, the launch has happened, the first sale has come and gone and I must say, it’s looking…
If content is king, design is queen
in DesignThe phrase “content is king” is splashed around so much these days. Content is the “meat and potatoes” of your website, and can be the reason why users return, as well as being one of the core aspects of successfully optimising your website for search engines. What about the design then? Does having “good content”…
A quick word on inspiration
This afternoon, while thinking of what I could write about today, I got to thinking about the concept of inspiration. Where does it come from? How do we channel it? What is it, really? I find inspiration to be an enigma. It can come from anything (a walk in the park, your favourite band, a…
How do you browse through a blog?
Blogs in general seem to cater for similar functionality: tag clouds, categories, post tagging, search functionality, etc. My question here is, which browsing method works best for you when browsing a blog? I’ve been considering adding “related posts” into this blog’s current design. I’m just wondering, do users in general find a related posts block…