
Mobile advancements and the use of the mobile web and interesting mobile applications.

  • Is DrawSomething a new approach to gathering Big Data?

    Is DrawSomething a new approach to gathering Big Data?

    Data is fast becoming the hot commodity in today’s society. What do we know about our customers? How can we use our customer’s habits and trends to make our product better? While this concept is not uncommon in the non-digital world (printed surveys and small inserts in magazines aren’t uncommon), filling in surveys is fast…

  • Keep your mobile ‘in sync’ using Google Sync

    No iPhone? Can’t get hold of a Google Android phone? Pout no more… you can now still have “Google” on your mobile phone. I’ve tried out Google’s Gmail application on my Nokia S60 mobile with success. It’s a great app. It only covers the email features though, so I’d have to login via Google mobile to…