I write about personal development, business, and technology. Scratch your own itch.

  • How to improve web developer coding practices (and code)

    Every developer approaches their day to day development tasks from a different angle. In addition to this, each developer “designs” their code to suit their own personal preferences and approaches towards specifics in a project. When developers examine code written by other developers, we’re often critical (sometimes hyper-critical) of the code itself, mostly according to…

  • Presentations using SlideRocket

    Presentations using SlideRocket

    In the last week, Jeff and I presented a workshop at the GROW Academy’s BootCamp, discussing website design & development and focussing on using WordPress to do this. For both our introductory session on Monday and our more in-depth theory discussion on Wednesday, we needed a slideshow presentation to work through the various areas of…

  • Re-thinking the concept of the “impossible”

    In today’s society, it seems to be a common occurrence to use the word “impossible”. For example, after climbing a mountain, one might say something like; “wow, that was impossible”. No it wasn’t… you just did it. Nowadays we seem to have a tendency to over-exaggerate (pardon the tautology there) and, in many cases, start to believe what…

  • Musicians know how to promote

    When making observations, I make a point of looking at and learning from both positive and negative observations… taking the lessons and learning from them. I also quite enjoy relating one industry to another, taking a lesson or observation from a certain industry and applying it to another. Today’s topic is around promotion, pushing your…

  • GROW BootCamp 2012 – The Creations

    At the GROW Academy 2012, Jeff and I have been discussing and showcasing WordPress and what it can do. We’ve been working with the recruits, setting up WordPress.com websites and learning the system. We thought it’d be a cool idea to showcase what the recruits of 2012 have compiled.

  • E-mail is broken

    While sitting down to write what was likely to be a completely different blog post, I found myself compelled to write this, so here goes… E-mail, as a technology, is broken… and we broke it. E-mail (electronic mail) was originally intended as a means of sending messages digitally in a similar form as a posted…