Achieve any goal (and track your progress) with Lift

"Lift" LogoLets face it, we all have those tasks in life that we with we did more often- “I should really blog more”, is one of mine (hence this blog post). Sometimes, we have surges of motivation in which we begin our good habit-forming tasks, only to forget about them a few moments later.

The big question is, why shouldn’t we be keeping good habits and achieving our desired goals? I can’t think of any reason other than human nature, really.

Enter “Lift”, a web and iOS app that encourages good habit forming, helps to track progress and adds encouragement via the sending and receiving of “props” from friends connected through Facebook and Twitter.

I’ve been giving “Lift” a try for the past week or two and I’m super impressed with the app, overall, as well as how I’m now approaching my tasks and larger goals. It’s really great to have goals and achievements “game-ified”, in a way, as well as being able to directly track progress of goals, as well as see overall progress towards converting goals and achievements into unconscious good habits (eg: “Inbox Zero”, “drink more water”, “blog more”, etc).

One question I often find myself asking, when using apps such as this, “DrawSomething“, “GetGlue” or other apps that track regular activities or make use of collective human thought is how could we, as the human race, use this collected data to improve our day-to-day lives and learn about our fellow man?

If you haven’t yet given “Lift” a try, sign up with them and grab the iOS app from the App Store to start forming good habits.


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